1. Prewash fabrics.. and press and a little starch helps - I try to use a backing fabric for a quilt project near the same quality and complimenting shade as the pieced front, it helps with wear.
2. Your sewing machine is the key to your project - The thread you use can make life challenging as well as the needle, they have to work together so it’s a good idea to explore a match. Keep your machine oiled, check your manual and use oil suggested by the manufacturer.
3. Be consistent and use a quarter inch seam allowance.. you will be thankful you did :) Pin your pieces to avoid stretching when you sew.. press as you sew (don’t iron) a quick press, it can be so easy to distort fabric. Use a square ruler and follow markings to square up your finished piece and trim.
3. Wind your bobbins first, use thread that blends into prints unless you’re working with a decorative thread.. I like to use many neutral colors, unless accenting the thread color.
4. I’m always looking for quick easy rotary cut patterns.. it’s fascinating to see a quilt go together fast!
5. Change blades in your rotary cutter often, it’s discouraging repeating a cut.
6. I somehow end up with pricked fingers (that snag everything), whether I'm piecing or quilting - so I keep an emery board handy to buff pads of my fingers.
7. Quilting in a hoop, a frame or free motion.. always start in the center and work outward.. since this will allow the fabric to ease as quilted.
8. Quilting stencils, motifs.. so many to choose - many marking options. When trying to choose a stencil, maybe draw onto clear sealing wrap and lay over project for quilting ideas.
9. So if you had to use the dreaded seam ripper and have some holes remaining in your quilt, simply use a dampened a cotton swab to brush over the holes, those holes will disappear.
10. I keep a decorative tin (a nostalgic keepsake) to hold needles, a few pins, small scissors or snips, thimbles.. especially when hand piecing/hand quilting.

11. This is so easy to forget! On a corner of your quilt backing you may want to include a quilt label to create a memory for your quilt, to give as a gift providing date and event, maybe a charity gift notation.
12. Binding.. when working with your quilt - create your binding right after the quilt is quilted, I love “continuous” binding. I like “self binding” also, it works! Just a couple suggestions to prevent “UFO’s” —
13. If you didn’t pre-wash reds and dark blues are usually the colors that fade, purchase color catcher sheets - these sheets work great.
14. Most of all “don’t fret” as they say, “Done is better than perfect!” Everyone who quilts “creates” there are so many possibilities and color combinations .. enjoy the possibiliies!